Top Alternative of Paytm Payments Bank?

I’m currently a third-year undergraduate student, and my financial setup involves managing two bank accounts - one with HDFC and the other with Paytm Payment Bank.

My dad sends me money each month through Paytm, and that’s what I use for my day-to-day expenses.

HDFC account in my name, is primarily utilized for my dad’s business needs.

Now, with the recent announcement of Paytm closing its services related to the Payment Bank, I find myself in a bit of a predicament.

I’m reaching out for advice.

Can anyone suggest a suitable alternative for me to seamlessly continue managing my finances and daily expenses?

Your guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I switched to Airtel Payments Bank. It’s very similar to Paytm Bank.

Jio payments bank is also good replacement for Paytm. No minimum balance required and everything can be done online. Give it a try!

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I think PhonePe , GooglePe will help you mostly .

As alternative DBS bank will be good .

Plus paytm e-comm business name change as Pie Platform .
Lets see how it Plays out.