How can I avoid SBI credit card annual fee?

1 year ago I got SBI credit cards.

Some cards are useful like SBI Cashback credit card but others like SBI Simply Click or Simply Save is not worth paying annual fees.

Is their any way to get SBI credit card annual fee waiver or reversal and keep using the card?

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If you have SBI Cards mobile app then request for card closure.

They will automatically give you fee reversal offer.

Just click on Avail Offer and you will get back your annual fee if you already paid or the charge will be reversed in the bill.

Another trick is to call SBI cards customer care and ask them to close your card.

When they ask for why you are closing simply state that this card is no longer useful and it’s not worth paying annual fees for another year.

They will 100% offer you credit card annual fees waiver.

You will get confirmation message after they call ends.